WAY BACK when I was young, and folks had just about stopped coming to town in their wagons and Model T’s, there was a common saying used in La Brasada. Or at least in the circles that My Clan ran in.
Whenever a person saw something new and innovative for the first time they would often say: “I’ve been to two goat roping’s and a rodeo and never saw anything like that before!”
Often there would be additional “colorful” words that were interspersed in the statement. But out of respect for the more refined and genteel segment of the readership, those are omitted.
This statement of wonderment and surprise has had multiple alterations over the years. But the context is still pretty much the same, or so it seems to me. CERTAINLY, there is NO shortage of new things that seem to pop up in our today’s culture that would have NEVER been thought of even a decade ago.
Think about the changes and improvements in technology, just for an example. The “latest and greatest” seems to last about 10 minutes BEFORE it is replaced by something “better, faster, easier etc.”
In some regards, I reckon some of those “improvements” have been useful in terms of speed and efficiency. And certainly, OLD GEEZERS like me appreciate the great strides made within the medical field.
But for some degree of balance in LIFE, I sorta, kinda wish that we could keep at least a few things The Same for a little longer. But then again it comes to mind there ARE some things that have been pretty much the same over the years in my little piece of the world. For example, I am nearly always amazed at those La Brasada Sunsets. And a mature Buck, all puffed up and ready to fight during the rut gets me excited every single time. Certainly, a newborn colt learning how to stand, and walk is a thing of wonder to me, now many how many times I was blessed to observe that.
And for the final example, The Boss Lady says I am the same Stubborn as always. And I reckon that is the Absolute Truth!