Been a real dry week since the last rain but, supposedly there is some coming in.S Just got to wait and see but, pray for it in the meantime.
See where the adults in the room aren’t gonna let the guy who thinks he’s a girl swim in the Olympics as a female. That was a no brainer decision if ever there was one. Guess the Olympic Committee does not subscribe to the loony liberal left.
Medina County had an Election Runoff Recount in the Constable race in Precinct 3. Congratulations to Lupe Torres and his staff for a job well done. Numbers came out the same and it was a one vote election loss for the Incumbent Steve Duffy. See, every one counts. Jonathan Johnson wins by one.
Had our first Medina County Republican Party meeting Monday night under the new Chairman, Chris Schuchart. There were a lot of good ideas tossed around during the meeting and seems like there is only gonna be good things come out of the Republican Party in the future. Whole lotta new faces at the meeting too.
The next Party meeting will probably be in Devine with another to be held in Castroville. This is an attempt to spread the sites across the County and offer everyone a chance to attend a meeting and get involved in our political process here at home.
Let’s see…how else can I irritate someone? The Democratic Candidate for President should have his family (handlers) arrested for elderly abuse. There are only two genders…male and female. There will be no Debate between Trump and Biden because Biden will drop out claiming that he does not want to debate a convicted felon. Trump has not been convicted yet…just declared guilty until the case is tossed out on appeal.
Got my appraisal protest date in the mail today. Get to go visit the board again.
Had a sit down lunch with Devine City Administrator David Jordan and Senator Peter Flores last week. Talked about taxes, water conservation and other stuff. Did not get nor expect any concrete answers, just planted a few seeds. Always good to visit with Pete. Seems he and I share the same opinion on a lot of things.
Pray for rain! He listens and the opportunity for it is on the radar.