CARNIVORE hosted by Gary Roberson begins airing its 9th season this Friday at 11:30 PM, Saturday at 12:30 PM and Sunday at 7:00 PM. CARNIVORE will air on the PURSUIT Channel, 393 on Dish Network and 604 on DirectTV. If you have either of these providers, there is no charge for PURSUIT and it is standard in all packages. If you don’t have Dish or Direct, you can download a free app called PURSUITUP and watch CARNIVORE on any smart device.
“CARNIVORE is produced by three time Emmy Award Winner, Brian Hawkins and Steve Roberson is the man behind the camera, struggling to make me look good,” says Gary Roberson. “This past January when I was at the Shot Show in Las Vegas (the world hunting and shooting show), I met with PURSUIT and found that CARNIVORE has more viewers per episode than any of the 153 shows on the channel. This is a huge testament to Brian and Steve’s work”.
I hope that you will tune in and follow us on Facebook at CARNIVORETV.