Can I help you?

Last week, I picked up a dining room table on the side of the road that someone was giving away. Of course, it was heavier than it looked. I was having trouble and an old man in a wheel chair came out of the house and yelled “Do you need some help?”
I said, “yes”, thinking he was going to call a relative to come help me. Then here came that old man, leg amputated, straight through the weeds and through the canal ditch in his power wheelchair to help me load the table, which he did from his chair. Two Strong arms.
He positioned himself in just the right way, leaned down to grab the table legs and lifted it up into the bed of my truck. I couldn’t have done it without him.
He said, “I’ve had this table a long time, about 40 years.”
I told him it was going to a foster child turning 18, and just starting out their lives, and he smiled. I just had to share this story. Made me smile.
I felt like I had just met our Uncle Tucker Irwin that my daddy always talks so much about. My dad has told us so many stories of Uncle Tucker, and the hero he was. Uncle Tucker had both legs amputated in the war, and then came home and built his own house and raised 8 kids.