7th Gold Beats Poteet
With almost no time to practice, the 7th Grade Gold Fillys beat Poteet 18-8 on November 5th. Coming out strong and ready to play, the Fillys worked hard to make their very first game a win. “We had a pretty good start considering we didn’t have a lot of time to prepare. We still have a lot to learn but I’m not worried, this group of girls catch on fast,” stated Coach Shana Beaty.
Yaretzi Mercado had 6 points, 4 steals, and 2 assists. Austin Little 2 points, 1 steal, and 6 rebounds. Jazlynn Briseno 2 points. Pamela Cardona 2 points and 5 rebounds. Esperanza Carrillo 2 steals. Alissa Zamora 2 rebounds. Cameron Darby 1 rebound. Kiara Yracheta 1 rebound.
The 7th Gold Fillys will face Crystal City on Thursday and then host their home tournament on Saturday.
7th Maroon beats Poteet
Stepping out onto the court in their first game of their first season, the 7th Grade Maroon Fillys were ready to win. Coming right out of volleyball season, the Fillys didn’t have much prep time before this game yet they still played hard and won 37-16.
“We won this game but it definitely gave me a much bigger perspective on the things we need to work on. This is a very talented team. We just have to learn the offenses, defenses, presses, etc… so we can show this town what we are really made of. We are going to see great things on the basketball court with this group. Good job girls,” said Coach Shana Beaty.
Denise Contreras scored 15 points, 2 assists, 5 rebounds, and 6 steals. Makayla Rivera had 6 points, 4 steals, 1 assist, and 6 rebounds. Zoe Ortiz scored 6 points, 4 steals, 1 assist, and 1 rebound. Avery Mobley had 4 points, 2 steals, and 5 rebounds. Kelsey Dishman had 2 points, 4 steals, and 4 assists. Lizbeth De Los Santos scored 2 points, 3 steals, 1 assist and 1 rebound. Mackayla Schnautz had 8 rebounds, 2 points, and 2 steals. Iris Stricker had 1 point. Alanna Monreal 2 rebounds.
By Dicy Chambers
Sports Writer