Maroon Team
The 7th Grade Maroon Colts had a tough night when they faced Carrizo Sprints on January 31st. Carrizo Springs took the lead early in the game but Devine kept up. The Colts trailed 5-11 at the half. However, Carrizo Springs took control of the game in the second half and their defense held the Colts from scoring. Devine lost 21-31.
“The Maroon team gave a great effort but Carrizo Springs played just as aggressively and the game got away from us in the second half. Elijah Sanchez had a great game overall so did Sam Guardiola,” said Coach Jacob Sanchez.
Quenton Sanders scored 5 points, Makhi Burford 3, Aiden Bonilla 3, Brandon Martinez 3, Zander Morris 2, Sammy Guardiola 2, and Adrian Beltran 2. Scores by quarter: Q1 2-5, Q2 5-11, Q3 10-27, Q3 21-37.
Gold Team
The 7th grade Gold Colts faced Carrizo Springs and came home with a huge 43-6. They were able to control the ball and make their shots count. “Gold team played an amazing game overall considering there was a running clock. Zac Serna played very well as did Jonathan Weinkam,” said Coach Sanchez.
Sern 6, Weinkam 6, Roger Gutierrez 6, Deigo Estrada 6, J. Roberts 4, Cory Dirck 4, Jordan Barton 4, Antonio Gamboa 2, Adrian Gutierrez 2, and Sebastian Espinoza 1. First half 19-3, Second half 43-6.
By Dicy Chambers
Sports Writer