Hello from Lytle PD and get ready for a fast paced report on police activity this past week. Officers handled 56 service calls, which is a decent amount. Here is a sampling of what we dealt with: 8 calls for suspicious people/vehicles, 8 traffic related calls (accidents and traffic related complaints), 5 vehicle lockouts and 2 disturbances. Officers conducted 27 traffic stops which resulted in 16 citations and 11 warnings.
We took two people to jail, one to Hondo and one to Jourdanton. Capt. Reyes and Ofc. Antuna made a stop for a defective headlamp. The driver had an active warrant so it was off to the Medina Co. Jail on a “fail to appear” warrant (original charge poss. of a controlled substance). Lt. Dear and Ofc. Torres picked up the other arrest. A suspect was charged with assault causing bodily injury after an altercation in the 15000 blk. of Main St. He was booked into the Atascosa Co. Jail.
On to reported property crimes…… Our 1st report of a crime at the new Grand Lytle Apts. was a burglary of a vehicle. Somebody broke out a window of a SUV and took a snare drum valued at $400. I told the guy he was our first crime report there, he didn’t seem too impressed. We had a shoplifter at the H.E.B. C-store, but the item was paid for resulting in a happing ending. A complainant reported that his flatbed trailer was taken from a residence on S. Somerset Street, he had been doing some remodeling work there. On Saturday afternoon, a crook filled up a basket full of items at the H.E.B. Plus and fled out the doors. He had two crook friends waiting and they all took off in a white Ford P/U. It is estimated that he had about $400 worth of items.
That’s what make this job fun, there are never two days the same. From responding to domestic disturbances to a call for a loose goat by the U.S. Post Office (Lt. Dear wasn’t able to locate it) you never know what the next radio call brings. We can respond and address crime but these allergies are really doing a number on me. It’s really hard to shoulder the safety of the whole community when I can barely get any sleep.