Three Devine Warhorse powerlifters gave their best shot at Regional hoping to earn a berth in the State Meet in a couple of weeks in Waco. Seniors Kaleb Zertuche and Demetrios Monreal ended their successful powerlifting careers on the next-to-the-biggest stage while junior Garret Carver will get one more shot at the state meet next year.
“I am extremely proud of each of these young men for how they represent our program. Kaleb and Demi had some really good seasons for us and Garret will come back hungry and hopefully advance one more round,” stated Head Coach Paul Gomez.
Kaleb competed in the 132lb division and squatted 340lbs, benched 225lbs, and dead lifted 430lbs for 995lbs total. That 995lb total was enough to earn Kaleb third place in his class.
Garret went up against some tough opponents in the 242lb division. He squatted 530lbs, benched 415lbs, and dead lifted 510lbs for a total of 1,455lbs to get fourth place in his weight division.
Demi bombed out and did not record a lift.
Congratulations Warhorses on a great season!
By Jerel Beaty
Staff Writer
Warhorse powerlifting season ends