The 3rd Division of The American Legion is hosting an Armed Forces Day celebration for military veterans at the Braden Keller Center in Castroville on May 20. The celebration will begin at 9:00 am with a Veterans Benefits Seminar. The Seminar is free to all military veterans including reserve and active duty service members. Spouses are welcome to attend. A Service Officer will be available to assist veterans with disability claims. Coffee and donuts will be served preceding the Seminar. Valuable door prizes will be given away.
“A Tribute to Vietnam Veterans” will highlight the afternoon affair beginning at 1:00 pm. Two captivating speakers will share their harrowing experiences of the Vietnam War and its aftermath. Dr. Joseph Milligan, Colonel, USAF Retired, was a prisoner of war for almost six years, spending time in the “Hanoi Hilton”. Trong Phan was one of the many “Boat People” who escaped Vietnam after its fall and survived.
The cost of the afternoon event is $30 which includes a delicious brisket and sausage dinner served at 5:00 pm. It is free to veterans who join The American Legion at the event.