Two new officers

Last week we had all kinds of interesting stuff and crime to report, this week not so much. We only had 40 calls for service and conducted 20 traffic stops. Christmas is the time of giving and it looks like our staff was giving warnings. This week warnings beat out citations 12 to 8.
Here is what went on last week: Somebody cut the propane cage at the CVS Pharmacy, they weren’t able to remove any bottles. An unknown person took 60 bundles of shingles from a construction site on Kensington Court; this would have been a thief that wasn’t afraid of hard work because that was a heavy load. An HEB Plus customer reported she left her purse and cell phone in a shopping cart. I guess whoever found it chose to do the wrong thing and keep it.
We had two arrests this past week, both were cited and released, Class C misdemeanors. Ofc. Lopez had a drug paraphernalia case off of a traffic stop and I had a shoplifter at HEB Plus. I was training Ofc. Pena when we were dispatched for a shoplifter they had detained. It was classic, a 17 year old female tried to take about $85 worth of stuff from the health and beauty area. Young females never take brisket or Spurs jerseys; they always head to the cosmetics.
We had two cases of found property, one was a cell phone found at John Lott Park. The other was a small bag of “meth” that somebody left at True Value. I guess it fell out of their wallet when they were paying. So far, nobody has come looking for the cell phone or the meth.
We want to welcome two new officers to our staff. Sergio Pena graduated from the San Antonio College Law Enf. Academy on Nov. 30 and Michael Antuna graduated from the AACOG Law Enf. Academy on Dec. 7. We had 3 vacant positions so with these hires that puts us only 1 short of being fully staffed. I wanted to make sure and get them in here before Christmas and New Year’s Eve so they could get used to working on the holidays. It’s my little Christmas present to them.