Medina County deputies have been keeping an eye on recent social media buzz about a big party that was being planned in the area this past weekend. The party ended up in Frio County just outside the Devine area on FM 3176 (Luckey Feedlot Road) this past Friday night. But after that party was busted up, another large party was found and raided later that night in Medina County. Thirty-five minors were cited for consumption of alcohol at the Medina County party located in the Lytle Ranch Acres Subdivision around 3-4 am.
“We had been seeing information about a big party on Facebook and Twitter and we notified Frio County and assisted them in busting up that party with about 200 kids this Friday night. Frio County handled that investigation and at least one man was arrested on drug charges after he was seen ditching marijuana over the fence and found marijuana scales in a vehicle. There were bags of marijuana thrown under cars, in trash cans, all over the place,” Medina County Sheriff Randy Brown said.
“You have drug dealers just waiting to find parties like these with all the stuff about the party on social media. They go and set up a table with marijuana packaged for sale, and that’s what was happening there at this party in Frio County.”
“With all the social media buzz there were kids from all over the place—Cotulla, Carrizo, San Antonio, Hondo, Devine, Bigfoot, Yancey. That’s the scary thing, these kids all go to a party with a few of their friends and they don’t even know the other people there. It’s not a small party where everyone knows everyone else. I’m sure some of them are nice kids, but some of them aren’t. That’s the problem with going to a party where you don’t know half the other people there.”
“A lot of people think marijuana is harmless, but it isn’t,” Brown adds. “I’m sure it may have some medical use somewhere, but it does not belong in the hands of these kids. Parties like these are a mixture for disaster. When you have that many kids and that much alcohol at 3 am, it’s just a bad combination. We do our best to get in front of it, before somebody gets hurt. That’s all we are trying to do.”