The financial situation of the Devine Golf Course is beginning to look a little brighter. Some business restructuring by the Devine Golf Association, Board of Directors and monetary support from some loyal members and area supporters, have helped make the status of the Devine Golf Course much more positive. Two large Tournaments played on our course recently, brought in much needed revenue. Thanks to Les Tilley for scheduling the North East ISD Novice Tournament and Pro-Manager, Cameron Scitern for all the hard work he put in to schedule the HANK Benefit Tournament. Both events were very successful.
Several Course improvements are beginning to take shape. Number two green has been totally rebuilt, replanted, and will be available in 35-40 days. Other Greens that needed help are beginning to show improvements. Unnecessary expenses have been eliminated. Some reprogramming of the Course irrigation system should cut its cost of operation and lower the electric bill by as much as 35%. Loans owed by the Devine Golf Association are being renegotiated with the Bank. Reducing the number of leased carts from 35 down to 20 will show a substantial savings per month. Reduction in payroll costs is another area that will reveal savings.
Hard work by the Board of Directors and the generosity of many local and area supporters will help the Golf Course through this difficult time. We know you are hearing false information from some of our members. Everything in this article can be backed with facts. The work, however, has just begun. More hard work looms ahead and more financial support is needed to get the Golf Course over the hump. Let the Devine Golf Course advertise for You, Your Business, and/or Your Foundation. Contact our Fundraising Person, Shannon Rackley Rangel at 210-367-8303, with your much needed contribution. Remember, your cost for advertising with us is tax deductible! Join in with the Devine Golf Assocation and “Help Make the Devine Golf Course Great Again.”
By Richard Malone