The Friendship Art Club celebrated Thanksgiving and good friends with a turkey and dressing pot luck luncheon. The group had their monthly meeting, Tuesday, November 14 at the Lytle Church of Christ.
The business meeting focused on the election of new officers for the 2018 year. The nominating committee presented the slate of officers. They were as follow: President, Roberta Andrews; Vice President, Dee Thompson; Secretary, Rosemary Jones; Treasurer, Linda Keller; Historian, Mary Killough; Photographers, Rosemary Jones and Shirley Friesenhahn and Sunshine ladies, Liz Bendele and Carolyn Muennink. The slate was elected and will be installed at the January meeting.
After the business meeting, George Rodriguez, manager of Jerry’s Art A Rama, presented a program on pouring, using acrylic medium. The creative approach results in a unique design that can stand alone or be used as a distinctive background to other paintings. Members were then offered an opportunity to develop their own designs.
After the demonstration, George then proceeded with an educational critique of members’ paintings and drawings that won awards in the September Art Show and Sale. Artists find critiques helpful as they constantly seek to improve their work. George presented the Best of Show and blue ribbons with gift certificates for art supplies at Jerry’s Art A Rama. He also had a special presentation for club president, Sally Lewis, for all her hard work as president for the past two years.
The club will have their Christmas Party at Hermann Sons Steak House in Hondo, December 12. Those who would like may participate in a gift exchange or contributions may be made to the art education fund.
New members are welcome to join us on January 9 at our first meeting of the year. Our meeting begins at 9:30 AM at the Lytle Church of Christ. Come and share the fun!