Thieves cut fence and lure out over 30 whitetail does and trophy bucks, $5,000 reward being offered

A local rancher in the Bigfoot/ Kyote area said he and local authorities are looking for the person(s) responsible for cutting a high fence and luring over 30 big whitetail deer, to include does and trophy bucks.

Robert Flores is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for this poaching by cutting the high fence on his family’s ranch on County Road 2880 in the Bigfoot/ Kyote area.
High scoring whitetails can easily bring $10,000 he said.
The poaching is believed to have happened sometime near the first part of December.
“It could have happened over a few weeks time. We are not sure. But someone deliberately cut the high fence, lured the deer out with corn and either let them go or took them. Somebody had to have something to gain out of it to do this and we aim to find out whom”.
“Local game wardens have been working closely with us as well as area ranchers and are investigating the poaching in efforts to get to the bottom of this.
Other ranches have experienced similar problems.
Robert Flores can be reached at 210-889-2060 if you have any information.
By Kathleen Calame

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