To the Devine community The congregation of the Devine Wesleyan Fellowship would like to extend a sincere thank you to all of you who participated in our fundraiser on Sept 16 for Mission Devine.
We are truly blessed to be a part of such a unique and giving community. We would like to send out a special thank you to the following people and organizations that helped make this all possible: Rick and Teri Maxwell for donating the brisket. He and his team of cooks did an amazing job. Richard Collins for cooking up those delicious beans Black Creek Bar and Grill for donating the wonderful potato salad Colby Cashion and Devin Rotramel for providing the drinks Judy Eddy for organizing the bake sale Selah Schultz (Mato Girl) for her donation of several dozen of her fantastic chocolate chip cookies Charlie’s Daughter for donating several dozen delicious divets Devine Current Events Club for their generous donation All of the local businesses who showed their support with their pre- orders All the individuals who privately donated additional funds to Mission Devine None of this would have been possible without the spirit of giving which our community is famous for. Thank you one and all for your support and showing your love for Mission Devine. Watch the paper for further information regarding the final total. Thank you and God Bless, Devine Wesleyan Fellowship