Texas A&M Wesley Foundation Group giving back to Devine

Saturday was the Wesley Group’s first day of work. They also helped the Salvation Army Outreach Response Center by building shelves meant to store supplies and serve as a place of outreach in case of a natural disaster like the snowstorm.

By Brianna Paredes
Every year, the Texas A&M Wesley Foundation Group, a student leadership organization funded by other Methodist churches, takes a trip to a small town to spend a week helping out the community. Liam Eshleman, a member of the group whom was interviewed, says that this year’s trip to Devine, in particular, is special because of his family roots to the small town. His family has lived in Devine their entire life and he views it as giving back to them and the town.
Saturday was the Wesley Group’s first day of work. They spent it at the Methodist Church cutting off some trees that were hanging off the roof, working on the playground, attaching posts, power washing, and doing more yard work. They also helped the Salvation Army Outreach Response Center by building 40 shelves from plywood and painting the cabinet they went into. These shelves are meant to store supplies and serve as a place of outreach in case of a natural disaster like the snowstorm that occurred back in COVID.
On Sunday, the Bluegrass Band, associated with the Wesley group, played at the…

Read the full story at www.devinenewsmembers.com