Stroud sets new record, 51 years in a row

59 years of basketball refereeing overall

Southwest Texas College in Uvalde, 59 years of basketball refereeing overall

2024 was the 51st year in a row for Lewis Stroud to be invited to referee the tournament in Uvalde at the college, now called Southwest Texas College, formerly SWT Junior College. “What makes this tournament so special is the people that run the tournament. They always treat you nice and go out of their way to run a good tournament”, said Stroud.
“This is very special to me. Some of the people that I will always remember and never forget are Landra and Rob Fowler, Gary Eagle, James Volz, John Coronado, Clint Urby, Kenneth Dismuke, Ricky and Jesse Rubio.” Lots of good memories are made at these tournaments. Pictured are referees John Reinhart, and Lewis Stroud with Landra and Rob Fowler and James Volz.
“This is my 59th year as a basketball referee,” said Stroud.
This is one record that we doubt anyone will ever beat!