Lytle Pirate Lifters Mario Diaz and Luke Estrada are Statebound! Diaz racked up 1,695 pounds in his division and Estrada totaled 1,335 pounds. Jaden Araujo also competed at Regionals.

Pirates compete at Regionals
Jerel Beaty
Staff Writer
Mario Diaz and Luke Estrada advanced to the biggest stage of the high school powerlifing world with their outstanding performances in Edinberg at Regional last week. Diaz placed 2nd in the 198lb division while Estrada hit the qualifying total in the 148lb division.
Diaz racked up 1,695 pounds in his division. He squatted 650lb, benched 410lb, and deadlifted 635 to advance to State.
Estrada earned his trip to Abilene with a squat of 505lb, a bench of 290lb, and a deadlift of 540. He totaled 1,335 pounds.
Jaden Araujo gave it his best shot to extend his season but fell just short of his goal as he placed 9th in the 114lb division with a 325lb squat, 165lb bench, and 330lb deadlift to finish with 820 pounds total.
Congratulations to all three lifters on a powerful 2024 season and best of luck to Mario and Luke at State!