My daughter is a girl of many shoes, especially tennis shoes. I swear she has one pair for the back yard, one pair for the front yard, school shoes, church shoes, super fast shoes for running and racing across the field, and a special pair for when it’s rainy. Then of course, she has one or two pairs of shoes she seems to always leave in the corner of the living room and dining room just for the fun of it. When I venture to clean out my truck, I usually find two or three or four pairs of shoes in there too, in the deep, dark depths of our junk.
It seems to be raining shoes at our house lately! Where do all these shoes come from?
My baby boy, on the other hand, is a child of no shoes. He manages to slink off just about any kind of shoe I strap on him. I don’t think he’s worn shoes for any length of time in several months. On the opening day of Dove Season I strapped his cute little boots on him about fifty times, and I could hardly keep them on long enough to snap a picture.
Well I guess that’s the way it goes….when it comes to shoes you either love em’ or you hate em’! Come to think of it, my daughter spends an awful lot of time barefoot for a kid with so many shoes though! Maybe she just has too many to choose from…but I don’t think that situation is going to improve any time soon. Grandma just took her to the store to complete her Halloween outfit, and when grandma brought her back she was wearing yet another new pair of you guessed it….tennis shoes.
Where do all these shoes come from? I think I just figured it out, Grandma!