Devine High School Team Tennis came away with many houors on the All District 29AAAA Team.
Sophmore Brooke Runyan was selected as the MVP of the girls division and Junior Jake Harrell was selected as the boys MVP.

Girls Singles:
MVP Brooke Runyan
Girls 1st Team:
Preslee Quisenberry
Scarlett Smith
Girls 2nd Team:
Isabella Elias
Madi Mohr
JoJo Villanueva
Girls Doubles:
1st Team: Scarlett Smith
and Brooke Runyan.
2nd Team: Laurel Spannagel and Isabella Elias.
Caitlyn Breiten and JoJo Villanueva.
Madi Mohr and Amy Bailey.
Mixed Doubles:
1st Team: Preslee Quisenberry and Toby Ramos.

Boys Singles:
MVP Jake Harrell
1st Team: Rafael Rios
Toby Ramos,
Caeden Alvarez
2nd Team:
Mason Zenon
Brian Schaefer
Boys Doubles:
1st Team- Rafael Rios and Jake Harrell
Caeden Alvarez and Mason Zenon
2nd Team: Denton Zuercher and Jacob Barron