Robert “Bobby” Rodriguez, a local carpenter and musician, had emergency quadruple bypass open heart surgery last month and is in need of our help. This surgery has been extremely hard on him and the rest of his family. He is on his way to a speedy recovery but medical expenses have taken a toll.
Bobby said he was at work when he started feeling tension on his shoulder and jaw. “I wasn’t feeling right so I drove myself to the EMS in Devine and they transported me to Christus Santa Rosa. First they thought it was my sugars were high and were just going to give me insulin and send me home. Then through the blood work they found that my blood count was 380. Next they did a dye test and found I had a blockage and it went from being maybe a stint to a triple bypass and then ended up being a quadruple bypass. Now I’m in recovery and doing rehab three days a week. Gradually I’m feeling better daily.” “It’s a good thing I didn’t pass it off as a spasm, which I thought it was at first,” stated Rodriguez. “It was just a little tightness in my shoulder, not much really. The jaw pain is what gave it away.”
There will be a BBQ benefit on January 28th at 12 noon at the Rodriguez residence located at 710 Miller Street in Natalia. The plates will include chicken, sausage, rice, beans and potato salad for $8. There will also be baked goods for sell. All proceeds will go towards medical expenses and time spent away from work.
His family and friends would like to say thank you for all the support the community has given them.
If you would like to purchase tickets you may contact his niece, Crystal, via call or text at (210) 584-2572. You can also mail donations to 710 Miller St., Unit 326, Natalia, TX 78059.