Public meeting Thursday in Devine

Bout 1.3 inches got in my rain gauge the other day. Brings the years tally up to 8.7 inches…right at 1.5 inches more than this time last year and 1.7 inches more than 2016. Don’t seem like it. Sorry, I wasn’t at home when it rained and unable to send a picture of my rain gauge fast enough for Johnnie Evans. Hope she’ll forgive me this time.
Not a lot going on at Commissioners Court to speak of except that according to our Auditor, Medina County is about $431,000 ahead of last year’s numbers at this time in the Cash on Hand column. So, we are on good financial grounds. That’s a good lead-in to the meeting we are having at the County Annex here in Devine on Thursday at 6 PM about Jail Expansion and a Courthouse Annex.
We (they) had the first pre-Budget/State of the County meeting on Monday morning. This meeting provides Elected Officials and Department Heads an up-to-date status of the County, financially, and where we anticipate we will be next fiscal year. Didn’t make it due to Judge Taylor’s funeral.
By now, everyone on CR 5710 (Calames Store Rd.) should be aware that we are gonna tear it up on May 14th and re-pave it from the Store back towards SH 173. Oughta start hauling the rest of the materials in next week.
Have been fielding numerous complaints about the condition of the road (SH 173) and the hazardous truck traffic in Devine. I have contacted TxDOT several times about the axle bustin holes on 173 and seems soon as they fill one, another one develops.
I have seen the 18 wheelers (sometimes running in packs of 5 or more) that speed up to beat the yellow lights at intersections in town. This is going to cause a fatal accident if something is not done to slow them down. I wouldn’t be ashamed to be known as another Selma when it comes to this type of traffic. (Just deleted 2 paragraphs of solutions to this problem so as not to offend anyone in Law Enforcement.)
KK already had the Headlines for this week’s edition of the Devine News in place or I could have offered one. (We thanked Bill Sherry for buying our breakfast.) Devine will be represented in State level competition on the golf course and on the track. Congratulations to these State Qualifiers. The Arabian Softball team is still in the playoffs and play Friday.
Ninety eight days Willie Jo…..That’s all I got.