02/26- AOA – On duty Officer responded to a call to assist EMS with a male citizen who was having a potential heart attack.
02/26-Animal Impound – On duty Officer conducted rounds to the City Animal Kennels throughout his work shift to ensure the animals at the kennels had shade, food, and water.
02/27-Alarm – On duty Officer responded to a radio dispatch call for an active alarm. Upon completion of a clear security check notification attempts were unsuccessful, however, a voice message was left for the owner and dispatch was notified of the findings.
02/28-Parking Violation – On duty Officer issued a citation violation to a truck parked in an unauthorized Fire Lane Parking area at the Love’s Travel Stop.
02/28-Disturbance – on duty Officer was dispatched to a disturbance between a male and female. Upon arrival at the location the Officer spoke to both parties. The male wanted another chance to remain at the property and the female resident wanted the male removed from the property. The Officer found out that a second call had been received from this residence which resulted in the male being taken to the hospital for severe intoxication. The male agreed to be transported to Haven for Hope in San Antonio.
02/29-Unauthorized Use of a M/Veh – On duty Officer was dispatched to a call for a stolen vehicle. Upon arrival at the location the Officer spoke to the complainant who informed the Officer that he’d allowed a friend of his daughter into his house to warm up from the cold weather. The complainant stated that when he awoke the following morning his keys and vehicle had been taken without his permission and he wanted to file Theft charges.
03/02- Welfare Concern – On duty Officer responded to a radio dispatch call for an alarm activation. Upon arrival at the location the Officer completed a security check of the area and property but found no signs of unauthorized entry. The owners were notified and no further action was taken.
03/03-Civil Matter – On duty Officer assisted with a standby for a civil matter between a couple who had broken up and were gathering their belongings.