Black Creek metroplex received a few sky droppings last weekend and a little more the week before. We have gotten a total of 3.3 inches so far this year compared to 7.4 at this time last year. Rain has been as scarce as a Mike Schott sighting in downtown Devine, so include rain in your prayers. Guess April showers don’t apply this year…
Commissioners Court approved the formal design for the Courthouse Annex and Jail Expansion and we’re moving forward with the process of getting the buildings constructed. We have no dates for moving dirt yet but, it is in the near future.
Also approved were subdivision stuff for other parts of the County that don’t affect the Devine-Natalia area, replacing Pct. 2 Deputy Constable, acquiring right-of-way for SH 211 north of Castroville, accepting financial reports from other ESD’s and other assorted non-consequential things that will be covered in other periodicals. We had to replace the fire alarm system in our County building here in Devine due to the fact that it was installed after buying the unit from Azbechistonia or some foreign country and there are no replacement parts for those that broke.
We are moving along on the re-construction of CR 664 and have not hit any obstacles yet…maybe I shouldn’t have said that. Oughta have the base in place this week and should begin seal coating the surface next week. Key words are “oughta” and “should”. Hold your horses Esther. Complaints about the dust will diminish once its paved and speeding complaints will increase (Call Randy then).
Final paperwork on the old TxDOT location should be approved by the State on the 25th of this month and we can officially start moving in.
We are still taking tires at the Rose Hill location from 6 AM – 4:30 PM Monday through Thursday. Call Gracie Martinez at the office (665-8015) so that someone can be there to assist you. There is also a mountain of mulch available to anyone who wants to come pick it up. Again, call Gracie.
Spoke with the Hunter folks the other day and the paving of SH 173 from CR 5710 to SH 132 will soon be completed believe it or not.
Speaking of roadways, I (for some unknown reason) counted the patches on the way to the Court last Thursday and found that there were 53 areas patched in the northbound lane of 173 between Devine and Hwy 90. On the way back, there were 146 in the southbound lane. The truck traffic is doing a number on the road. Guess that’s the price you pay for having quarries along this route. TxDOT is doing their best to keep up with the repairs so, give them a little slack. Coming home from San Antonio one day, I counted 113 northbound 18 wheelers between Lytle HEB and the Devine exit.
As soon as we finish our project on CR 664, we will start full scale shredding again. We have shredded in spots where badly needed and where complaints were received.
Need something, call us. Got a problem? If we don’t know about it, we can’t fix us.