Feb. 11
12:35 AM – Officer responded to 14900 Blk. of Main St. for a report of a verbal disturbance. Officer made contact with complainant who advised that officer was no longer needed.
7:51 AM – Officer responded to N. Somerset St. at Adams St. for a report of a two vehicle crash.
8:30 AM – Officer responded to 14300 Blk. Main St. for a report of a theft of a water meter. A city water meter located just north of our city limits was taken.
12:17 PM – Officers responded to Days Inn for a welfare check on a resident. All was fine.
12:21 PM – While at the Days Inn on an unrelated incident, officers detected the extremely strong odor of marijuana coming from the walkway between the rooms. Officers determined the odor was coming from one of the rooms. Officers knocked and talked with two subjects and consent searched resulted in the arrest of a 32-year-old male subject and a 26-year-old subject for Possession of Marijuana < 2 oz. Both were transported to Atascosa Co. Jail without incident.
8:35 PM – Officer assisted the public at 19300 Blk. of FM 2790 with a courtesy ride home.
9:45 PM – Officer responded to US Renal Care for a report of an alarm.
Feb. 12
8:18 AM – Officers responded to Lytle Family Practice for a report of a suspicious male in the area. Officers made contact with the subject and all was fine.
1:15 PM – Officers responded to HEB C-Store for a report of a suspicious person. Subject departed prior to officers’ arrival.
1:27 PM – Officers responded to HEB Plus to unlock a vehicle.
6:52 PM – Officer responded to 500 Blk. of FM 3175 to assist Texas DPS Highway Patrol with a major accident.
Feb. 13
1:21 PM – Officers responded to HEB Plus and talked to complainant in reference to a hit & run. After officer conducted an investigation, it was concluded that the damage was not done on HEB property. No report was taken.
3:11 PM – Officers responded to US Renal Care and talked to complainant in regards to harassment.
3:40 PM – Officers responded to Hwy. 132 for a report of a reckless driver. Officers searched the area, unable to locate.
3:52 PM – Officers responded to 14900 Blk. of Main St. for a report of a civil matter.
6:43 PM – Officers responded to IH 35 SB at Mile Marker 132 for a report of a possible intoxicated driver. Officers searched the area, unable to locate.
7:45 PM – Officers responded to 19500 Blk. of McDonald St. for a report of solicitors. Officers arrived and made contact with subjects who stated they were not selling anything. Offices informed subjects they could not be selling anything in the city without a permit. Subjects were identified and released with a warning.
9:53 PM – Officers responded to 19200 Blk. of Bruce St. and talked to complainant who stated she believes her brother stole the spare tires from her vehicle. Complainant requested extra patrol of her neighborhood.
10:08 PM – Officers responded to US Renal Care for a report of an alarm. Officers found the building to be secure.
Feb. 14
7:35 AM – Officers responded to The Washateria to unlock a vehicle.
10:20 AM – Officers responded to Lytle Oil Exchange for a vehicle vs. a fence accident.
1:30 PM – Officer responded to HEB Plus for a report of solicitors. Officer searched the area, unable to locate.
3:30 PM – Officer responded to HEB Plus to unlock a vehicle.
5:25 PM – Officers responded to Community National Bank for a report of an alarm. Officers arrived and made contact with the cleaning crew who had set off the alarm by accident.
9:57 PM – Officers responded to FM 2790 N at Laredo St. to assist a motorist with a stalled vehicle. Upon arrival, officers made contact with the driver who stated a friend was coming to give him a hand. The vehicle was moved to a safe location.
Feb. 15
1:15 AM – While on patrol, officers made contact with a vehicle pulled off to the side of the road at Grace Bible Church. Occupants of the vehicle were playing a phone game Pokémon Go and were trying to catch Pokémon. No signs of criminal activity noted.
3:25 PM – Officers responded to 500 Las Palomas and assisted ACSO with a report of a possible burglary in progress. Officers arrived and observed the residence was safe and secure with no signs of forced entry.
4:15 AM – While on patrol, officers observed a female walking on the side of the road just by Naomi’s Diner Officers made contact with the female and provided a courtesy ride to Days Inn.
7:50 AM – Officers responded to Adams St. for a report of a suspicious vehicle. Officers located the vehicle with 1 occupant inside. The driver stated he had pulled over because he was tired.
11:48 AM – Officers responded to AutoZone for a report of a disturbance. A parts delivery person was allegedly blocking the handicap spot.
4:20 PM – Officer responded to Main St. at Benton St. for a minor accident.
7:30 PM – Officer responded to the Lytle Jr. High after a parent could not locate their child. The child was located and all was fine.
9:00 PM – Officer responded to the 200 Blk. of Brook Meadow Dr. to assist ACSO with a disturbance.
Feb. 16
3:15 AM – Officer responded to the 400 Blk. of Adcock Ln. to assist ACSO with a burglary in action.
9:34 AM – Officers responded to the 19500 Blk. of McDonald St. for a minor accident.
1:32 PM – Officer responded to the HEB Plus to assist Lytle EMS.
2:20 PM – Officers responded to the Taco Bell for a verbal disturbance. Officers attempted to locate the female at the Best Western to conduct a welfare check.
3:28 PM – Officers responded to the HEB C-Store for suspicious activity. The vehicle departed prior to arrival.
3:50 PM – Officer responded to the HEB Plus for found property. Keys were found and released to the owner.
4:15 PM – Officer responded to the Lytle Apts. in reference to cats being abandoned by previous tenants.
7:25 PM – Officer responded to the Chevron to assist ACSO with a suspicious vehicle call that originated in the county. The vehicle ended up in Lytle.
7:55 PM – Officers assisted ACSO with a disturbance in the Quail Creek subdivision.
Feb. 17
9:05 AM – Officer conducted a traffic stop for Exp. MVR on N. Somerset St. @ Main St. A 35-year-old male subject and 36-year-old female subject were both cited and released for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia after a probable cause search of the vehicle.
3:37 PM – Officer responded to Benton City Road at Short St. for a report of a tree branch in the roadway.
5:00 PM – Officer responded to the Whataburger parking lot in reference to a motorcycle that was parked blocking the handicap ramp.
10:32 PM – Officer was dispatched to the Days Inn parking lot for a report of juveniles “smoking.” They departed prior to the arrival of the officer. One juvenile was later located and detained. He was released to his father.