Lytle ISD Return to School Plan – 2021-22

Last Updated: 8/5/21
Lytle ISD is committed to providing quality in-person instruction for all students for the 2021-2022 school year. As always, the health and safety of Lytle students and staff remains our highest priority. We will implement safety guidelines and practices that help protect our students, teachers, staff, and community as much as possible from COVID-19. These protocols will be updated and revised based on public health and governmental guidance regarding COVID-19.
Student, Staff and Visitor Self-Screening
Parents/guardians are expected to screen their students each day for symptoms of contagious illness, including COVID-19, as well as any known close contact with a person who has had COVID-19 in the last 14 days prior to sending their students to school. All Lytle ISD Staff and campus visitors must also self-screen for symptoms on a daily basis.
Students, staff and visitors should stay home, go home and/or seek medical care if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
Fever or chills
New or worsening cough or shortness of breath
Loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Nausea or vomiting
Muscle or body aches
Congestion or runny nose
Cleaning & Hygiene
Classrooms and restrooms will be disinfected regularly
High-touch areas will be disinfected throughout the day
Disinfectant spray and hand sanitizer will be provided in each classroom
All campuses will have access to an electrostatic applicator to provide rapid disinfection
Students will be asked to wash and sanitize their hands regularly throughout the school day
Teachers will monitor students throughout the day and refer them to the school clinic if they exhibit symptoms of Covid-19
Students may bring water bottles (reusable or disposable), labeled with their name
Students may use a water filler station to fill their water bottles at school
Face Coverings
Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order on May 18, 2021, which prohibits school districts from requiring or mandating mask wearing. While mask usage is not required in Lytle schools or facilities an individual may choose to wear one. The CDC recommends continued mask wearing for unvaccinated individuals.

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Isolation & Quarantine Protocols
Coronavirus disease 2019 commonly referred to as COVID-19 is a disease requiring exclusion from school under 25 Tex. Admin. Code § 97.7.
A school administrator shall exclude from attendance any child having or suspected of having COVID-19. Exclusion shall continue until the readmission criteria for the conditions are met.
The readmission criteria for COVID-19 is as follows:
If symptomatic, exclude until at least 10 days have passed since symptom onset, and fever free*, and other symptoms have improved. Children who test positive for COVID-19 but do not have any symptoms must stay home until at least 10 days after the day they were tested.
(*Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever suppressing medications. Fever is a temperature of 100° Fahrenheit [37.8° Celsius] or higher.)
School health staff will provide a clinical assessment to determine if a student is experiencing symptoms of a contagious illness (COVID-19, flu, strep throat, etc.), and whether the student will need to be sent home.
Any student who shows possible contagious symptoms which require them to leave school, will be separated and isolated until the student can be picked up by a parent/guardian or designated emergency contact(s).
Staff members displaying symptoms of contagious illness which require them to leave school will also isolate from students and other staff members.
The District will continue to report any individuals with COVID-19 who were present on a school campus to the designated state and local authorities.
Note – Lytle ISD does not offer remote learning. Student absences due to Covid-19 will follow standard make-up work policy.
Close Contacts
School districts are not obligated to complete contact tracing. If school systems are made aware that a student is a close contact, the school system should notify the student’s parents. Parents may choose to keep their student home if they have been identified as a close contact (optional).
Individuals who are fully vaccinated or those who were previously diagnosed with Covid-19 are not considered “close contacts” by current CDC guidelines.
Questions or Concerns
If you have questions or concerns regarding Covid-19, please feel free to contact your campus nurse, principal or your local county health authority.