Wow September already, I sure am looking for some cooler weather. I think the crooks are too, they don’t seem to be too active lately. Our service call numbers were low this past week with only 38. Officers did conduct 44 traffic stops with 25 resulting in citations and the remaining 19 were warnings.
Only 3 property crimes reported this past week and all of those were on the H.E.B. complex. The C-store had a person walk out with some beer and the big store had a couple walk out with some unknown items. Hey it wouldn’t be Labor Day weekend if at least one person didn’t steal some beer for a family get together. We also had a criminal mischief report that resulted in our only arrest, a suspect did some damage to a female acquaintance’s vehicle (in the parking lot of big store). I guess he wanted to make sure she noticed it so he returned to the scene of the crime and was promptly arrested by Ofc. Lopez.
Our phones lines were down at the office all last week; fortunately we are dispatched by the Atascosa Sheriff’s Office (830-769-3434) so it mostly affected our administrative function. It did cause some issues though. I normally nap throughout the work day and use the occasional phone calls to wake me up. Well last week I slept through Gunsmoke twice! My sleep pattern should be okay now thanks to the hard work of Alderman Ruben Gonzalez. He’s been working with AT&T on our city project and would you believe he was able to get the phones up and running late Friday night? He was down at our office for a couple hours on the phone with all kinds of people and they were able to fix the issue.
We have two big events headed our way. Saturday, Sept. 15 will be the annual Lytle VFW Freedom Walk. Meet at the John Lott Park pavilion at 9 AM and the walk will take you over to Main St. and end at the Lytle Veterans’ Park. This is a really fun event that even a fellow in my shape can participate in. Fast forward to Tuesday, Oct. 2 and join us at the Lytle Community Center for our National Night Out event. This year should be bigger and better than ever, we will have more room for local businesses that want to set up tables. We will have both inside and outside activities. Even if you aren’t really interested in getting to know your public safety partners you should certainly be interested in getting a free hotdog.