Another week with a higher than normal call volume, 57 total service calls. Though the vast majority didn’t require any follow-up or detailed reports. It was the normal low key stuff, just a little more of it. Traffic enforcement activities certainly didn’t set any records with only 21 stops last week. Officers issued 14 warnings and 7 citations. I provide these numbers for two main reasons: 1. I believe in transparency, the public has a right to know what their police department is doing. 2. People use my weekly numbers when buying their lottery tickets.
It won’t take long to talk about arrests we made last week, just one. It was for public intoxication. We had to book the fellow into jail because we couldn’t find anyone to release him to and he was in no shape to be taken home and left alone.
Now let’s talk about reported property crimes from the past week, just one. It was reported that a unit had the lock cut at the Lytle Mini Storage. Approx. $6K worth of items were taken. The stolen items included a Honda generator, DJ equipment and CDs, an air compressor and a water pump. I would say it wasn’t a random burglary. Somebody went shopping and knew that unit had what they were looking for. It wasn’t your typical mini-storage burglary report which goes like this “I don’t know what was taken, I have had this unit for 15 years, and there is nothing of value in it.” Folks, I’m not even stretching that one a little bit.
On the recovery side, a 2003 Ford F250 that was stolen from a business on IH-35 in March was recovered by our friends at Laredo PD.
What’s going on in Lytle you ask? Well, being a small town there is always interest in new businesses. So right now the hot spot is the construction site for the Burger King. People drive by each day to see what progress was made and I believe I have even seen a few people pose for photos. It’s our version of a tourist attraction. The Mayor might even declare a city holiday on the day they put the sign up.
It’s hard to believe I’m already planning for the big Fourth of July fireworks show. If you haven’t attended in the past you won’t be disappointed (even if you have attended in the past you won’t be disappointed). The event this year will be held at John Lott Park on the Thursday the 4th of July. The fireworks get set off when it gets dark. Prior to that the city will provide free hotdogs and the Lytle VFW will serve them up. It is a very successful event attended by a lot people. Everything is free, so leave your money at home. That’s something you don’t hear unless your rich uncle is taking you out to dinner.