A few days after her 41 st birthday, Kristin Fohn Byrd, known around Devine as, “The Baking Byrd,” (for her amazing cupcakes), went to work like any other day. In the blink of an eye she suffered a severe headache and collapsed in her office, she was rushed to the emergency room where she was diagnosed with a brain bleed. She was treated successfully and able to return home in early December with the expectation of making a full recovery with outpatient rehab. Unfortunately, that was short lived. Just two weeks later, she suffered serious complications and returned to the hospital just before Christmas, where she remains. She has undergone 11 surgeries to help her brain heal. Kristin is surrounded by family, friends, and amazing medical professionals. There are still many unknowns at this time, but we do know she is likely to need several more weeks and at least one more procedure before she can begin rehabilitating again. Her recovery this time will take much longer than originally expected. We invite you to come out to show your support for the Byrd Family (Husband Johnny, Daughter Brynlea, and Son Becker) on Saturday, March 11 th at the Devine VFW Hall. BBQ Plate sales start at 11am until sold out, there will be a Corn Hole Tournament, Silent Auction and Dance. For questions contact organizers: Stacie (210) 410-4712, Brandi (210) 508-2489, or Kristen (210) 218-1552.