Health Unit News Preparing for Emergencies in Public Health

It’s exercise time! The public health way. Of course, please get in your daily exercise for your health, too. Exercising for public health means we need to practice our emergency plans for a public health type of emergency. This could be an infectious disease or other health threat that could affect a population.

Population health is different from individual health care which you may get at your doctor’s office. Population health is the health outcomes of a group of individuals in a particular area. This is where we come in! The Medina County Health Unit will soon be exercising and setting up a point of dispensing site that could be used for medications like antibiotics, vaccines, or some kind of material distribution to the public or group of individuals affected by a public health threat. If you think you might be interested in public health volunteer work, come be part of our team! We would love to have volunteers interested in the health of our community. We are especially looking to increase our pool of volunteers who have medical backgrounds. However, there is a spot for you even if you don’t, there are other ways to participate. Our volunteers get trained in CPR, first-aid, and Stop the Bleed and are introduced to the Incident Command System. Other trainings are related to community preparedness. Our volunteers could also help provide information to the public and help others be prepared for emergencies. Call us at the Health Unit to get more information at 830-741-6191 or email Jeanette at We will be exercising soon!