The Friendship Art Club celebrated Valentine’s Day with their monthly meeting and potluck luncheon. Liz Bendele and Carolyn Muennink hosted the event at Lytle Church of Christ.
Dee Thompson, vice president, presented the proposed program schedule for the year. Committee members have created an educational and instructional calendar. Although club members meet every Tuesday morning to share their art work, the second Tuesday of the month is reserved for the business meeting and program. Programs are presented by a variety of artists introducing various media.
Other committee reports included a revision of the club’s scholarship program. Three scholarships of $ 500 will be offered to two graduating seniors and a visual arts student pursuing higher education. Traditionally, these scholarships have been offered to local high schools. These schools include Somerset, Lytle, Natalia and Devine High Schools. More details will soon follow.
Our program was presented by local artist, Walter Sprague. Walter demonstrated pastel techniques in order to create fog. He explained the characteristics of different types of pastels and answered questions as he worked.
Art work by club members will soon be on display at Naomi’s Restaurant, 15033 Main Street in Lytle. The display is scheduled to change on a monthly basis. Currently on display is an oil by Dale Andrews. Many visitors enjoyed the 5’by 5′ piece at the Friendship Art Club Art Show in September. Dale is a local artist who specializes in scenic palette knife oils, frequently featuring classic abandoned cars and trucks. His painting tells a story. Dale is a retired high school art teacher and also worked as director in numerous Army Arts and Crafts programs. He spent sixteen years overseas, primarily in Panama and Germany. We greatly appreciate Naomi’s support and look forward to our new venture.
Our March 13th meeting, will feature our special friend, George Rodriguez, from Jerry’s Art A Rama. George will give an educational presentation about various drawing and painting media. He compares the quality of entry level and professional level materials. Guests are cordially invited to join us. For more information, please call our membership chairman, Jane Brown at 210-415-2546.