The next meeting of the Friendship Art Club will be Tuesday, February 12 beginning at 10 am.
Club member Laurel Cyrene Aguilar will present a slide presentation featuring the activities of the San Antonio Art League and other art groups in the San Antonio area. Laurel is an acrylic artist and is a member of the San Antonio Art League. Her work is currently on exhibit in various galleries in San Antonio. The program will be followed by a pot luck luncheon, hosted by Mary Hernandez and Dee Thompson.
Membership Chairman Jane Brown installed the new 2019 officers at the January meeting. Roberta Andrews will serve as president; Dee Thompson, vice president; Sharon Young, secretary; Carolyn Muennik, treasurer; Roberta Andrews, reporter; and historian, Mary Killough. Other business included planning programs and workshops for the year and the formation of various committees.
The Friendship Art Club meets every Tuesday morning at 9:30 in the fellowship hall of the Lytle Church of Christ. Members work on a variety of art projects and share their interests in art. Business meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at the Lytle Church of Christ. Visitors are always welcome.
For information, please call Jane Brown, 210-415-2546.