The first weekly update of 2019 is here! Officers handled 52 service calls for the week ending Sunday January 6. We conducted 32 traffic stops of which 16 resulted in citations and 16 were warnings.
We had a nice array of interesting property crimes come our way last week. A resident reported he left his electric scooter along Main St. when it ran out of power. Somebody decided they wanted it, it was valued at $1,500. A shoplifter was thwarted by store staff at H.E.B. Plus as they tried to get away with about $400 worth of products. They fled before our officers arrived. In a not too common case, a Bruce St. resident reported that somebody jacked up their Toyota Corolla and took off one wheel and tire. I’m guessing some crook had a blow out on IH-35, didn’t have a spare or AAA and went “shopping” for a tire so he could get back on the road. We had two arrests this past week one for DWI (see below) and the other was the result of a suspicious person contact at 2 AM. Ofc. Lopez arrested a fellow with a warrant out of Bexar Co. for trespassing.
Lt. Dear and I responded to a home fire on Gate St. January 3. Luckily no one was injured but the mobile home sustained major damage. The Lytle Fire Dept. responded quickly as did our good neighbors from the south that we share a post office with (The Natalia Fire Dept.).
New Year’s Eve was about uneventful as usual. There was a good bit of fireworks in and around town. While we had three officers on duty it didn’t seem to stem the tide too much. New Year’s Day was a bit more interesting. Cpl. Robison and I were flagged down around 1 PM about a vehicle stopped in the roadway. We found an intoxicated guy passed out behind the wheel with the vehicle running, transmission in drive and the guy had his foot on the brake. We were on the access road of IH-35 and traffic was heavy. It was a small car and the rear window was down but we couldn’t get the door open, luckily Capt. Reyes showed up with Ofc. Antuna and I put Antuna to the test. He climbed through the window like something off of the Dukes of Hazzard and put the vehicle in park.The guy got arrested for DWI and a potentially deadly situation was averted. Now, I thought about climbing in the window myself but I kept looking at myself and the window and thinking of an old Winnie the Pooh cartoon. You know the one where he gets stuck in Rabbit’s hole while trying to get some honey.