Devine and Castroville Fire Departments helped rescue the driver of this truck, who was trapped in this scary rollover accident January 1 around 3 am. The rollover happened about 3 miles from Devine on FM 1343.
“He went right through a barbed wire fence, and into the trees and heavy brush. The roof crushed in as he rolled, and that’s what pinned him. He had been trapped there for quite awhile already when a passerby drove by and noticed a small reflection from some chrome on the truck,” said Devine VFD Chief Mike Walker.
“Thankfully, that passerby turned around and went back to get a better look and then called for help,” said Chief Walker. “Nobody was around when this truck went off the road. The engine was already cool when we got there, so he must have been there for quite a while before somebody noticed him. He’s very lucky.”
The driver in the white vehicle was kind enough to stay on scene, shining their headlights on the wrecked truck so first responders could do their job.
“The driver was headed south towards Devine when he lost control and went off the right side of the road and rolled into the trees and brush. The tree limbs were laid over with branches still intact and that brush was very heavy so we couldn’t go in the way he went through. We had to cut a path to get to the man. We were also short-handed with it being New Years Day, so thankfully Castroville VFD came to assist us.”
Amazingly, the driver of the truck appeared to suffer only minor injuries and was transported by ambulance.
Thanks to the good citizen who took time to go back and find this truck, as well as to our volunteer firemen who are always there in our time of need. The local fire departments like Devine VFD are always in need of more volunteers…stop by the department or call them today. If you would like to volunteer, you can reach out to the department on Facebook or call 830-665-4246 and leave a message. They meet at the station every Monday at 7 pm except holidays and Thursdays at 7pm.
Driver pinned as roof caves in, passerby spots truck hidden in heavy brush