DMS Theatre Club preparing for spring show April 25

Talented artists and performers go hand in hand. DMS students Madeline Hein, Melanie Zelnick and Karen Zelnick shown here painting sets for Mrs. Sharie Miller and the middle school theatre program. They love parent involvement and help.

The Devine Dramatics (DMS Theatre Club) are preparing for their Spring Production Once Upon a Crime by Flip Kobler and Cindy Marcus. Preparation takes months including scene building.
This year we wanted to add some scenery screens to the production. An all call was sent out for volunteers and Mrs. Kami Wagoner promptly volunteered her husband Kirk. Kirk was gracious enough to agree and drew sketches for four 5X8 screen panels with foldable legs to support the unit. These can be folded flat for storage purposes. There is an additional ledge along the back so the unit can be sand bagged for safety and stability. Kirk then enlisted the help of his step-son, Noah Davila, to build the scene units.
Talented middle school artist Madeline Hein designed the artwork for the screens. She painted the backdrop for the cottage with the help of fellow club members Karen and Melanie Zelnick.
Another parent, Mrs. Sandy Guardiola, has collected several Christmas trees for the forest. Her son, Jon, runs lights for the production.
In the fall semester Dave Kohlleppel, Andrew’s dad, cut 60+ 12 inch dowel rods for the bucket drum act the group performed for the DMS talent show.
Theatre Director Mrs. Sharie Miller is thrilled with the results. “We are so lucky to have such great parents and talented students to help us.”
The production titled “Once Upon a Crime” will be presented for the community in Devine on April 25 at 7 pm. Admission will be $5.00.