Feb. 22
1:57 AM – Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation in the 100 block of E. Hondo Ave. Drugs were viewed on the back seat. The vehicle was searched, and more drugs were found in the trunk. The male driver was arrested and jailed for the manufacture/delivery of CS PG1 4-200 grams and possession of drug paraphernalia. The female passenger was arrested and jailed for the manufacture/delivery of CD PG 1 4-200 grams, possession of drug paraphernalia, and interference with public duties.
10:24 AM – Complainant in the 1300 block of Hwy. 173 advised there was a vehicle with a male subject on location asking for money.
7:32 PM – Complainant reported an orange Honda Civic all over the roadway on IH-35 NB. Unable to locate.
9:01 PM – Officer dispatched in reference to a suspicious vehicle at the Warhorse Stadium parking lot. No description of vehicle given. Officer patrolled the area.
Feb. 23
12:45 AM – Report of a suspicious white Dodge pickup truck stopped at an intersection on S. Jamison Dr. Unable to locate; all was okay.
1:15 AM – Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation in the 100 block of N. Commercial Dr. A female subject was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia and released.
2: 15 AM – Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation in the 1000 block of E. Hondo Ave. The female driver was cited for driving while license invalid and released.
Feb. 24
2:20 AM – Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation in the 500 block of N. Teel Dr. The male driver was found to be intoxicated and was jailed.
7:12 AM – Complainant in the 500 block of Adams Ave. reported a male subject wearing a dark jacket standing next to her mailbox. Officer located and ID’d the subject, who advised he was trying to get back to Mexico. The subject was given a courtesy ride to Amigos to get on the bus.
Feb. 25
8:03 AM – Speed limit sign just west of CR 5710 was struck by an unknown vehicle. TxDot was notified.
11:34 AM – Officer advised a trailer was unhooked in the 200 block of W. Hondo Ave.
7:30 PM – Complainant in the 500 block of Hickory Hwy. reported a white pickup truck parked near his residence. The complainant followed the truck to Super Mart, where the pickup’s driver was ID’d.
11:23 PM – Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation in the 500 block of E. Hondo Ave. The male driver was cited for driving without a license and released.
Feb. 26
8:30 AM – Officers dispatched to NB IH-35 access road for an 18-wheeler carrying gravel that had rolled over.
12:42 PM – Complainant reported a dark green Chevy pulling two cars by chains and driving at a high rate of speed. The chains were dragging, and the driver was failing to stay in a single lane. Officer made contact.
Feb. 27
11:10 AM – Officer assisted Pct. 4 Constable with an eviction in the 500 block of Pilgrim Rd. The male subject being evicted was found to have active Bexar County warrants for prohibited weapons and possession of marijuana less than 2 oz. and was jailed.
2:27 PM – Complainant in the 1000 block of CR 6612 spoke to an officer about 18-wheelers driving recklessly through the City of Devine. The complainant wants more traffic enforcement in the city.
2:11 PM – Complainant reported an 18-wheeler hit his parked car in the 600 block of E. Hondo Ave.
7:53 PM – Complainant in the 700 block of Tuttle reported a verbal altercation with her 18-year-old son.
8:36 PM – Officer dispatched to the 300 block of S. Bright Dr. in reference to a white vehicle on the side of the roadway. The vehicle was secure and not a traffic hazard; all was okay.
11:43 PM – Officer assisted the Medina County Sheriff’s Office with a pat down on a female subject on a traffic stop on IH-35 SB exit 124.
Feb. 28
1:49 AM – Complainant in the 200 block of W. Benton Ave. observed a male subject by one of the doors at the location. Officers did a walk-around to ensure there was no burglary. All appeared okay.
1:57 AM – Officer observed a subject in the 300 block of W. Benton Ave. sleeping in a pop-up tent behind a building. The subject was ID’d and advised to move.
3:17 PM – Complainant in the 500 block of Hickory Hwy. advised of a Hispanic male in a black shirt, black tennis shoes, and khaki shorts.