August 25
4:47 AM – Complainant in the 100 block of Windy Knoll Dr. called in reference to her ex-husband banging on the back door. The ex-husband was transported to Southwest General Hospital by EMS.
3:33 PM – Complainant in the 300 block of N. Bright Dr. reported a 16-year-old male subject as missing/runaway. The subject was located in Devine.
4:28 PM – Complainant at Murphy Gas reported that the male driver of a black SUV was possibly intoxicated. Officer made contact with driver; all was okay.
10:30 PM – Complainant reported the back door of Charlie’s II Restaurant was open and a vehicle was parked outside. Officer made location; two employees were cleaning.
August 26
3:35 AM – Complainant in the 500 block of N. Transportation Dr. reported that her ex-boyfriend was on the property and causing a disturbance. Complainant did not file charges.
6:07 AM – Complainant at Devine Food Mart reported a male subject stole ice cream valued at $2.99. the subject was located in the 100 block of W. Hondo Ave, was cited for theft, and released.
1:40 PM – Homeowner in the 600 block of Zig Zag Ave. reported power lines sparking. Officers made location and observed that the wind was causing lines to touch. The Medina County Sheriff’s Office and AEP were notified.
August 27
12:24 AM – Complainant in the 100 block of S. Teel Dr. reported the driver of a white Ford pickup truck was possibly intoxicated. Unable to locate.
8:52 PM – Officer observed a truck with multiple occupants in the parking lot of Devine Middle School. It was a teacher and their family on location getting a classroom ready.
9:47 PM – The male driver of a vehicle stopped in the 100 block of N. Hwy. 132 was found to have a suspended driver’s license.
10:36 PM – The male driver of a vehicle stopped in the 500 block of Pilgrim for a traffic violation was found to have five active warrants out of Medina County and was jailed. The female passenger was found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia and was cited and released.
August 28
5:26 AM – Complainant in the 1100 block of Devine Dr. reported a red and silver Ford F-150 with a black kayak rack in the bed was taken from under the carport of the residence. The truck was located in San Antonio, and the driver was jailed. Local charges pending.
9:25 AM – A traffic light on Hwy. 132 N. was facing the wrong direction. TxDoT was contacted and was already aware.
11:50 PM – A vehicle was struck by an unknown vehicle in the Walmart parking lot.
August 29
8:12 AM – A school zone light in the 700 block of W. Hondo Ave. was malfunctioning. TxDoT was notified.
10:40 AM – Officer assisted Border Patrol with a male subject refusing to give credentials. The subject stated he was a police officer. All was okay.
9:40 PM – Complainant reported a vehicle traveling on the wrong side of the road on SB IH-35. Area searched; unable to locate.
August 30
2:58 PM – A male subject was walking around in circles on Hwy. 173. Officer gave the subject a courtesy ride home.
3:25 PM – Complainant reported a truck snagged and broke electrical wires. The wires were off the roadway. AEP was notified.
7:20 PM – Forced entry was made on the north side of a vacant building in the 300 block of S. Teel Dr. No contact was made with the property owner.
August 31
6:35 PM – Complainant in the 100 block of W. Colonial Pkwy reported a newer-model white truck sitting on the side of the road. Unable to locate.
11:25 PM – Vehicle stopped in the 1300 block of W. Hondo Ave. for a traffic violation. Two male subjects were cited and released for having an open container of an alcoholic beverage.