April 12
12:27 AM – Alarm at Walmart coming from glass breakage of gun case. All was okay, false alarm.
9:54 AM – Set of keys found in roadway in 200 block of S. Bright Dr.
11:24 AM – Officers dispatched to the 700 block of Tuttle for a male subject screaming on the side of the road. The subject was found to be under the influence of a narcotic and was cited and released to his mother.
2:10 PM – Officer assisted the Medina County Sheriff’s Office with translating in the 100 block of W. Hondo Ave.
11:36 PM – Officers dispatched to the 300 block of Hester Ave. in reference to a red and white vehicle in the area that appeared suspicious. Unable to locate.
April 13
1:02 AM – Officers dispatched to the 500 block of W. Hondo Ave. in reference to an unlocked door. The key holder was notified.
1:08 AM – Vehicle disabled in the roadway of Hwy. 173. A wrecker was called at the owner’s request.
12:10 PM – Arms not working at railroad crossing on E. Hondo Ave. after being damaged during a storm. Union Pacific Railroad made location.
1:13 PM – Officer dispatched to the 500 block of N. Transportation Dr. in reference to a male subject who was passed out on the ground with beer, then stood up and was leaning on a tree. The male was identified and released to family.
April 14
8:55 AM – Officer assisted the Devine VFD with a fire alarm in the 300 block of W. Hondo Ave. All was okay, burned food in microwave.
12:03 PM – Officers dispatched to the 700 block of Devine Dr. in reference to a Hispanic male wearing a tan jacket and blue jeans walking back and forth on the street. Checked the area, unable to locate.
7:36 PM – Officer dispatched to 100 block of W. Malone Dr. in reference to a male on a red golf cart with a young child who made employees feel uncomfortable due to a question he asked. Area searched, unable to locate.
April 15
12:12 AM – Officers observed a young female walking in the area of the 100 block of Jamison Dr. She gave multiple names and addresses and was finally released to her mother.
1:30 AM – Suspicious male subject in the area of the 200 block of E. Hondo Ave. All was okay.
2:45 AM – Female playing games on her phone in the 600 block of W. Hondo Ave.
3:20 AM – Car parked at restaurant in the 100 block of S. Teel Dr. Employee was cleaning, all was okay.
3:32 AM – Male subject parked on location in the 100 block of W. Malone Dr. The subject was a renter for a storage unit.
7:59 AM – Accident on Hondo Ave. A passenger was transported to University Hospital.
12:28 PM – Complainant in the 200 block of Teel Dr. stated an 18-wheeler was parked in the church parking lot.
12:30 PM – Complainant on Colonial Pkwy advised vehicles run red lights all the time.
April 16
11:06 PM – Complainant advised it looked like there was a light coming from a roof in the 100 block of N. Bright Dr. All was okay.
April 17
10:17 AM – Officer was notified by teacher that her child was home sick in the 300 block of Jefferson Dr. and a tan-colored vehicle was parked in front of her home and a male subject was knocking on the door. Officer made location and made contact. Advised it was a group of church members; all was okay.
11:04 PM – Complainant in the 100 block of Mobile Parkway advised she did not want her friend on her property.
April 18
6:51 AM – Loose cow on CR 676. Officer made contact with the cow’s owner.
7:29 AM – Tree down in the 500 block of S. Commercial Dr. Public Works was notified.
7:29 AM – Southbound signal light at Teel Dr. turned the wrong way. TxDOT was notified.