July 9
Officer assisted the Uvalde County Sheriff’s Office with an interview of a suspect.
August 3
7:10 PM – A citizen found two debit cards off Hwy. 132 and Colonial Pkwy.
7:29 PM – Complainant in the 200 block of W. Park Ave. reported a reckless driver in a blue Pontiac.
8:50 PM – Complainant in the 600 block of W. Coker Ave. reported four people on horses in the roadway, one of whom appeared intoxicated. Officer made location; unable to locate.
August 4
2:15 AM – Officer observed a vehicle commit a traffic violation on Wilson Dr. The male driver was found to be driving without a driver’s license, and to be in possession of less than two ounces of marijuana, and was jailed.
2:52 AM – Officer assisted Natalia PD in the 2000 block of Hwy. 132 N. in reference to a physical disturbance. Officer made location and gave a courtesy ride to a male subject.
3:50 AM – A male subject was on location in the 1000 block of E. Hondo Ave. A boarding house employee picked up the subject.
11:30 AM – Officers judged a fajita cook-off at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.
5:28 PM – A subject at Walmart found a bag with toys and face paint.
10:45 PM – Officer assisted Natalia PD with a disturbance in the 800 block of 6th St. involving two male subjects and an axe. Officer made location; one party left location.
August 5
2:14 AM – Officer observed a vehicle commit a traffic offense in the 600 block of E. Hondo Ave. The female driver failed a field sobriety test, blew over the limit, and was jailed for DWI 2nd.
2:35 AM – Vehicle stopped for a traffic violation in the 500 block of W. Hondo Ave. An open container of an alcoholic beverage was located. A male subject was cited and released.
4:28 PM – Complainant advised that a vehicle with an Indiana license plate had a blowout on IH-35 NB and mile marker 120, and that rubber damaged another vehicle. Insurance info was exchanged between the drivers.
6:48 PM – Officer dispatched to Walmart for a male shoplifter detained by store staff. The subject was cited for theft less than $100 and released.
August 6
1:48 PM – Complainant on Sayers Ave. reported that a small brown four-door car with a male subject in the driver’s seat had been parked at the intersection for several hours. Unable to locate.
August 7
12:22 AM – Report of a male subject with a backpack standing by a stop sign on SB IH-35 and mile marker 124. Unable to locate.
1:22 AM – A male subject who was possibly homeless was on location in the 1000 block of E. Hondo Ave. Officer gave the subject a ride to the truck stop in Natalia.
9:25 AM – Complainant in the 600 block of Rossville Rd. reported damage to a mailbox.
5:00 PM – Complainant reported debris on roadway in 100 block of Oakhill Dr. The debris was removed.
11:20 PM – Two individuals on IH-35 NB near mile marker 123 access road were involved in a disturbance. All was okay; parties separated for the night.
August 8
12:01 AM – A male subject was on location in the 1000 block of E. Hondo Ave. A boarding house employee picked up the subject.
10:00 AM – Complainant in the 300 block of Colonial Pkwy. reported a golf cart was taken from the carport by person(s) unknown.
3:08 PM – Verbal disturbance between two male subjects in the 100 block of LC Martin Dr.
6:00 PM – Officers attended home invasion presentation by DPS.
8:47 PM – Complainant in the 800 block of Warhorse Dr. reported a gray PT Cruiser driving recklessly in the area. Unable to locate.
10:32 PM – Complainant in the 500 block of Zig Zag advised her husband is threatening to change the locks and throw her property outside.
10:41 PM – Damage to passenger side of box trailer from a board that was sticking out of the rear window of a second vehicle. The second vehicle didn’t stop.
11:08 PM – Complainant reported a red Dodge pickup truck pulling up to a locked gate and a Hispanic male exiting the vehicle and walking on the lot. The subject departed prior to officer’s arrival.
August 9
2:06 AM – A male subject on foot was located in the 100 block of CR 773. The subject was identified and given a courtesy ride to a rest area.
8:19 PM – Complainant in the 600 block of Monticello Cir. reported a gold BMW with paper plates driving recklessly. Unable to locate.
9:41 PM – Officers assisted Medina County with a runaway who was located at a store in the 100 block of IH-35 N. Officers made contact with the complainant until deputy made location.