On Tuesday, November 6, Devine ISD will host Drugs, Dares, and Dangerous Tech Trends from 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm in the DSAC Cafetorium.
This workshop is designed to increase drug, alcohol, and technology awareness for parents, school staff, and community members. Participants will learn some of the latest and dangerous trends engaging our youth. You will be amazed at the different ways our students are hiding drugs. Attendees will also learn about dangerous apps and technology trends affecting the school community.
Because of the nature of the content, the presentation may not be appropriate for all ages, and the presenters recommend that children and teens not attend. However, students may come and eat with their parents, then go to the gym. Babysitting will also be available for children 2-9 years old. A student version of this presentation will be held at:
Devine Middle School on November 8, and Devine High School on November 19.
Devine ISD invites parents, DISD staff, and community members to this informative presentation. Doors will open at the DSAC Cafetorium at 5:30 p.m. for PIZZA and snacks. Pre-registration information will be sent out on School Messenger to help us plan, but is not required for attendance. You can also call one of the campus offices to be sent a link to register or to register by phone. Babysitting info will also be part of the pre-registration form. Visit www.devineisd.org to register.
Information about the Presenters:
Larry Rodriguez has worked with the Education Service Center, Region 20 for the past seven years. Besides serving as School Safety Consultant, he also works as a Counselor with the Migrant Education Program, and McKinney-Vento Specialist. In his capacity as School Safety Consultant, Mr. Rodriguez is responsible for providing technical support, education, and training opportunities to school staff in public school districts and Charter schools within Region 20. Prior to coming to Region 20, Mr. Rodriguez spent 20 plus years in higher education as an administrator, counselor and faculty member in Psychology. He has worked at UTSA, Incarnate Word, and the Alamo College system.
Armando Talamantez is a Special Agent with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Special Agent Talamantez presently serves as a Community Affairs Specialist and as a member of the DEA Houston Division Special Response Team. In 1994, he earned a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. In 1996, he served with the U.S. Border Patrol as a Patrol Agent within the San Diego Sector in California. In 1999, he began his career with the DEA with assignments at the McAllen and San Antonio District Offices. In a volunteer capacity, he serves on the State Executive Committee for the Texas Law Enforcement Torch Run, which promotes public awareness for the athletes of Special Olympics, and he serves as the chapter secretary for the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association.