Devine council awards nearly half million in street improvements

City Administrator David Jordan and Mayor Butch Cook.

Revised golf course contract discussed

By Anton Riecher
A $496,070 bid by a Castroville construction firm for major improvements to four Devine roads – McAnnely Avenue, North Bright and South Bright Drive and Live Oak Street – was approved Sept. 10 during a special session of the Devine City Council.
Mayor Butch Cook said there was no doubt that Live Oak and McAnnely “are the two worst streets in the entire town.” However, he expressed surprise that so few streets made the final priority list agreed on by the council.
“At least it will be nice to see something get done,” he said.
Beside the street improvement project, the council met with members of the Devine Golf Group to discuss a new contract for management of the city golf course. The council also conducted its latest budget workshop on the fiscal year 2024-2025 city budget.
Wayne Rodgers Construction was the lowest of eight bidders on the street improvement projects. City Engineer Raul H. Garcia said that of the references provided…