The home stands at Warhorse Stadium was full of excitement this past Friday night for the annual Homecoming football game!
Click here or here to see pictures of the Homecoming pep rally and the Warhorse Band’s Homecoming halftime performance!

Former students and teachers came from far and near to reconnect with many friends from their schooldays and talk about the “remember when…” moments from their times together in their hometown of Devine! One highlight of the evening was the halftime introductions of the students from the DHS Class of 1968 at their 50th Reunion, the 1959 State Warhorse Basketball Team, and the 1987-88 State Champion Arabians Volleyball team. These groups came together to not only celebrate their accomplishments, but to reconnect and celebrate their friendships!
Homecoming Saturday was another special day for former Devine students and teachers. Devine Exes, from the classes of 1945 to 2018 and guests, gathered at the Devine Student Activity Center for the Devine Ex-Students/Teachers Association social and meeting. This annual Homecoming event is for all former students and teachers, and a number of the attendees have been coming to these meetings every year for decades! This event also includes the annual display of a wonderful slide show and photos of hundreds of pictures and memorabilia from over 100 years of schooldays in Devine. These photos are always a treat to enjoy during the social.

After a welcome by DExSTA President Nancy Ehlinger Saathoff ’75, Nola Alexander Hanson ‘61 and Karen Howard Muennink ’76 opened the meeting portion with a rounding cheer of “Two Bits” to get the crowd on their feet! This was followed by the Invocation by George Redus Jr. ’71, Pledges led by Jeff Wisenbaker ‘75 and the singing of the National Anthem & School song led by Lewis Stroud ‘62.
DISD Superintendent, Scott Sostarich, welcomed the former students and teachers with words of appreciation for what they had done to lay the groundwork for what we have today. He spoke of the pride of our schools and students and gave an update on the district, highlighting the district’s accomplishments over the past school year. The alumni enjoyed hearing about students that are so active in many events and are representing “their” school so well!
DExSTA VP, Jeff Wisenbaker, recognized all the ex-students from the classes starting in 1945 through the class of 2018, and ex-teachers. Bill Boyd of the class of 1945 was the oldest ex-student in attendance and June Sadler Ehlinger of the Class of 1948 celebrated her 70th Reunion. The ex-students traveling the farthest were each given a Warhorse/Arabian mug: Sam Schweitzer from San Diego and Ron Peterson from Florida.
Karen Howard Muennink then introduced the youngest ex-student in attendance, Emily Kohlleppel, who expressed her appreciation for being selected as a 2018 Devine Ex-Students/Teachers Association Scholarship recipient. DExSTA VP, Jeff Wisenbaker ’75, then presented the Memory Roll which honors all former teachers and students who passed since the 2017 Homecoming. “The Memory Roll is displayed this year in memory of those who are unable to celebrate this special Homecoming day with us. We feel they are here in spirit and they live on in our memories and hearts, today and everyday”.

The highlight of the day was a presentation by students of the Honor Class of 1968. Elyse Poore Allen shared stories and a number of events that had happened in our country over the last fifty years since graduation. They graduated in the midst of the Vietnam War and age of the Hippies, which both greatly affected them during and after high school years. It was surprising to think back on all the changes that have come about over those five decades. She also described the groups that most of them identified with during school – the Kickers and the Surfers! That brought some smiles, laughs, and great memories for many. Class President, Joe Ciavarra, also shared a few funny stories before the classmates introduced themselves and told where they were currently living. The large group also gathered at Triple C afterward for more reunion visiting.
The DExSTA board greatly appreciates all the help and support for making the 2018 Homecoming a success! Next year the DHS Class of 1969 will be honored for their 50th Reunion, so start contacting your classmates now! (A date will be announced when available.)