Two thousand and eighteen is done gone and we in 2019 now. The Christmas Holidays were great again and the Rooster made it home from the Naval Academy to spend time with the family. Only had a couple missing but, maybe next year we’ll have em all here. Hope everybody’s gatherings were good too. I kinda agree with Arnold Saunders when he said he hopes to never see another tamale (for a while).
We had 46.8 inches of rain on the outskirts of the Black Creek metroplex this past year and it got below freezing a couple of weeks ago for a day….so I guess Winter has come and gone. Or, we gotta wait for the SA Stock Show and Rodeo for more freezing weather.
If you have a Christmas tree that you need to dispose of, bring it by our yard Monday-Thursday 6 AM-4:30 PM or call the office (665-8015) to see when you can drop it off. Its easier for you to bring it to us than for us to pick it up off the side of the road.
Not a lot happening at Commissioners Court for this side of the County so, not a lot to report. Still lookin at movin into the old TxDOT facility in February (Feb-you-airy), still catching up on the road damage left behind due to the abundant rains, be replacing culverts on major roadways soon, and nothin to report on concerning the new Court Annex and Jail expansion projects.
Gotta thank retiring JP Phillip Montgomery for swearing me in (before his term officially expired) on January 1 for my last term as Commissioner. We welcomed in the new JP, Tommy Ramirez, this past week so there have been some changes around the office for 2019.
Holidays and press times have affected the submission of this column so, hopefully things are back to normal and the rants will continue on a more regular basis. Call us with concerns and problems. If we don’t know about them, we can’t fix them.