Things getting Christmasy all over now. Finally getting cold…just need a foot or so of snow and things will be perfect. We got 1.9 inches of rain on the outskirts of Black Creek this past week bringing the yearly total to 46.2 inches…only a little under 4 feet. We been blessed with rain. Wesley Thompson used to keep a Gulf Oil calendar and record the high and low temperatures along with the rainfall but, I aint going that far. Learned a lot from that man…
Commissioners Court has become a lot of blah blah hummina hummina lately. Guess it’s due to the end of the year and the Budget having been finalized and approved. Most of the items are contract renewals, vacating and re-platting lots, interlocal agreements and such. Should get interesting round the first of the year and when the new construction efforts heat up.
Found out that we may be moving towards possibly may be moving in to our new County Yard (old TxDOT location between Morales Feed and the Vet Clinic) sometime in February. (Why is it spelled that way when everybody pronounces it Feb-you-wary?) State don’t do nothin in a hurry.
We renewed our County Insurance with TAC (Texas Association of Counties) and found that our premium is going to go down $1,918.00!! If we could just keep the Deputies from playing dodge deer with their patrol units, I think it woulda gone down more. Seems that almost half of the total damages incurred is directly attributed to the Patrol Units knocking deer and hogs off the road. Heavy duty bumpers should curb some of this damage.
One thing that we would like to see from our local Real Estate businesses is participation in the Go Medina effort. This is like a Chamber of Commerce for the County and offers a broad variety of information for potential businesses and Subdivisions looking for a place to invest and build. Go Medina has its own website that is fairly new and suggestions for improvement are accepted. If they gonna build, they gonna need land.
We have been trying to keep up with the potholes that the recent rains have given us and we have a handle on most of them. We are installing depth gauges on the local bridges so that the more intelligent drivers will be able to tell how deep the water is over the bridge. Just remember….the markings are in feet, not inches. Leave your kids at home if you’re going to try to cross where you aint sure how deep the water is.
We will be closing Colonial Parkway at CR 5710 (Calame Store Rd) in the near future to replace the culvert. Signs will be posted but, they don’t work too good with some folks. We are going to try to get it done in one day but, delays happen.
Got one more meeting this year on December 20th, then we see what 2019 has for us. We have personnel on call for emergencies but, we’re gonna gear down for the next couple of weeks while families get together, fellowship and visit with those who aint been around in a while. Rooster is coming home from Annapolis for a couple of weeks and gets to wear civilian clothes for a while. Merry…nah, gonna save it for next time…