Born and raised in Colorado, Kevin L. Stephens enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1988 upon graduating from High School. Initially trained as a Field Artilleryman, his varied duties included: rifleman, artillery cannoneer, administration, and recruiting. During ten years of service, Kevin was able to attend multiple vocational schools. In 1991 he served a tour in Kuwait and Iraq during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Throughout his career in the United States Marine Corps, Kevin received many different awards, citations, ribbons, and medals.
Kevin Stephens married his wife, April, in 1994, and in July 1998 he left the military to begin his civilian career. Since then, he has worked in the mechanical field as a technician, store manager, mill maintenance mechanic, and contract coordinator.
In 2002, Kevin and April moved to Vail, Arizona. They visited Tucson Baptist Church, and April began attending faithfully while Kevin, who was not a Christian at the time, attended occasionally. As God worked on Kevin’s heart, he became more interested in and faithful at the church. Between the Holy Spirit’s conviction, encouragement of his wife, and prompting of Pastor Jim Howard at Tucson Baptist, Kevin finally gave his heart to the Lord in 2008.
Since his salvation, Brother Stephens has grown in his walk and love for the Lord, and he has enjoyed serving in the ministry. He has previously worked as the Superintendent/Youth Pastor in children’s and youth departments, served as a Deacon, began an RV park ministry, as well as traveled on multiple mission trips. In 2017, he graduated with High Honors and as Salutatorian from Tucson Baptist Bible Institute with a degree in Biblical Studies. Upon graduating, Kevin was provided the honor to teach at the same Bible Institute during the following school year.
In January of 2018, Kevin was ordained to preach by Pastor Brent Armstrong and the congregation of Tucson Baptist Church, and shortly thereafter he began looking for a church to pastor. In the spring of the same year, he heard that Pastor Williams at Community Baptist Church of Devine, Texas was retiring and that the church needed a new pastor. After several long phone conversations with Pastor Williams; Kevin, his wife, and teenage daughter decided to travel to the small town and candidate for the position.
The Stephens’ and Community Baptist both spent much time in prayer, and in May, Brother Stephens accepted the position of Senior Pastor. He preached his first sermon as the official pastor of Community Baptist Church on July 1, 2018. Community Baptist Church invites you to attend an official Installation Ceremony on Sunday, August 5, 2018. Community Baptist Church is a small country church with a big heart seeking to spread the “good news” throughout our community. We are located at 441 State Highway 132 North, Devine, Texas 78016. Sunday School begins at 9:30 AM; followed by our Main Worship Time at 10:30 AM.
Kevin and April have two adult children – Richard, married to Amber and Catherine, married to Chance – and one teenage daughter, Jenna Lee. They also currently have one grandson, Dylan, and one grandchild due in February 2019.
Pastor Stephens is excited to join the Community Baptist family and looks forward to the future with great anticipation of what the Lord will do.