First month of 2025 is dang near gone already. When this paper hits the racks, there may be a little rain in our area…finally. Just make sure that you pay the rent on the homes that you own so that our local governments can function. Even if you don’t have kids or grandkids in school, pay the school taxes that encompass the bulk of our tax bills and hope that the funds are spent wisely.
On February 1, the interest and penalties will start to accrue and there aint no exceptions. Talked to our Tax Assessor Collector the other day and she neglected to pay on time once….she paid the late fee (penalty). She don’t mess around or play favorites either.
If you would like a little discount around this time of year, call your local Board Member of ESD #2 and ESD #4 and ask them to support Homestead Exemptions for folks living within their boundaries. Won’t be but 50-100 dollars but, its something. During our last ESD meeting, the effect on the Budget (-$61,000) was given as a reason to delay a decisive vote on this. Good idea. I found $51,000 that we could trim from the Budget (without digging into the line items) before the meeting was over. Trimming our Budget would make the Board a little more conservative with our tax money. Or you could show up at the next meeting on February 12th round 6:30.
Then we get to get ready to pay our Federal Government for the blessing of living and working in the USA. Hopefully, the government will do away with tax on Social Security like our President said that he would do. Lotta positive things happening in Washington DC nowdays.
Heard from one lady that as a result of the passage of the new Social Security law, her SS check went up $400. Sandy’s went up $1.80 so, don’t know when it will kick in. Aint got mine yet…
Heard a novel explanation for a failed launch of a rocket ship the other day from Elon Musk…called it a
“rapid, unplanned disassembly”. Some folks call that an explosion but, gotta love Musks attitude.
Continue to pray for rain..just enough to fill Medina Lake and to get Hondo Creek and Francisco Creek running again. Nasty, wet Rodeo weather is coming soon so, we may get a lotta rain then..