Several city leaders changed their tune after citizens voiced their concerns about rushing into a bond election without many details, and overall cost and tax bill impact. This past week, the Devine City Council voted unanimously to cancel the $15 Million Bond Election for drainage projects.
A video on Devine News YouTube, shows the bond presentation given by Mayor Cory Thompson at a special meeting this past February 2nd when three council members voted to go out for the $15 Million Dollar Bond/Drainage Project, after choosing from a “wish list” handed out by the mayor.
Voting to put the $15 million drainage bond on the ballot were council members Debbie Randall, Flipper Vega, and David Espinosa, with encouragement from Mayor Cory Thompson to put it to a vote, who stated “If people don’t want this they can vote it down.”
Then a Espinosa-Randall motion to approve it passed (3-2), with Josh Ritchey and Angela Pichardo voting against it.
Two public hearings were held where citizens questioned the priority need for such drainage projects and pushed for more details.
Before ballots were printed, a special meeting was called to discuss the cancellation of the bond, and this time all council members voted in favor of cancelling the bond issue.
There will still be an election for Mayor of Devine between incumbent Cory Thompson and Butch Cook. District 2 Councilwoman Angela Pichardo re-filed for office also, and will be challenged by Michael Hernandez for that position. Councilwoman District 5 Debbie Randall is unopposed.
Election Day is May 6, but early voting starts April 24.