Following many years of donating her time and energy to the youth of the Devine community through Devine Little League and Devine Youth Association, Margaret Centilli is in need of a helping hand from neighbors and residents. A number of friends and family have come together to lead the community in an effort to help pay mounting medical expenses through a BBQ fundraiser on Sunday, September 16th at the Devine Little League Field from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. The cost for the plate is $8 and will include chicken, sausage and all the trimmings. Baked goods will also be available to purchase for folks who like to top their meal off with a sweet.
Five years ago when she turned 70, Margaret Centilli failed to register with Medicare and, as a result, her primary insurance refuses to pay medical bills except as a secondary insurance. The clinic where she needs to be seen for medication and appointments for her illness will not see her unless she pays for her labs and other expenses up front due to her already large balance. According to her niece, Reagan Centilli, office visits alone cost $368 each.
Prayers and all donations will be greatly appreciated. Donations to help purchase food for the barbeque are needed, so if you can help out, please do. Things such as chicken, sausage, baked goods, canned sodas and bottled water are all in short supply as well as prayers to make this fundraiser a huge success will be very welcome.
Donations can also be given at Go Fund Me by searching for Margaret Centilli. They have a $5,000 goal there are have a long way to go to achieve it as of press time.
During Little League opening day, Devine Mayor Bill Herring gave a speech about Centilli telling about her career as a teacher and her many years involved in the local youth sports programs. He commended her dedications to the children of the community and presented a plaque to commemorate her many years of service. Now the community is being asked to pay it forward in a more substantial way by helping her fight for her health.
Any of the following people will be happy to help make sure your contribution is applied where it is most needed. Reagan Centilli at 830-444-7051, Eddie Centilli at 830-931-7904, Edward Centilli at 830-444-7051, Kathy Centilli at 830-444-9257, Connie Graham at 830-444-8767, Veronica Martinez at 210-744-5231