By Catherine Richard
The Natalia ISD Board of Trustees approved the 2024 tax rate, altered its meeting times and began planning extensive renovations and building projects for the 6:30 p.m. meeting on August 26 in the Junior High Cafeteria.
With the money yielded from the bond program, Natalia ISD will be building up its campus, adding two additional buildings and transforming one of the wings into a library and clinic area that will replace the current building.
Pfluger Architects, the company which has been planning the projects, was represented by Senior Project Manager Braden Haley.
These projects include a new entrance wedged between the two existing classroom wings, a new play area, the demolition of the current clinic and library building and the construction of a new 11 classroom space.
Natalia ISD voters approved the $17.4 million bond for elementary improvements and the $5.5 million bond for the baseball/softball projects.
Chief appraiser Norma Friddle opened the meeting with an opportunity for the public to put forth questions on the changed budget and the altered tax rate that were published in The Devine News. Maintenance and operation had a budget increase of 3.85%, debt service increased by 9.63% and total expenditures increased by 4.35%.

This increase is also seen in student enrollment, which rose from 1,257 to 1,296 this semester.
The 2024 total tax rate of 1.1574 was approved by the board.
The president of the Board of Trustees, Eric Smith, commented to the News, “As a board it was very important that we did not recommend a tax rate hike as everyone is already on very tight budgets.”
Smith also made a motion to change the meeting time to 7 p.m. This may be a temporary measure, but it will be tried for a few meetings to see if it is more compatible with the schedules of board members, school staff and the public.
There was some public participation in this meeting.
Dodie Maddox, the mother of a Natalia High School student, addressed the board with concerns regarding the accommodation for special need students.
Maddox cited the lack of class schedules and mistakes in the course walk as disruptive to the education of her child, for whom familiarity with the schedule and classrooms would have been helpful for navigating the school. She also mentioned that her child had been signed up for classes that he did not have the prerequisites for.
“What other procedures are not being followed?” Maddox asked.
Amanda Lopez briefed the board on the Natalia ISD Mentor Program, which is designed to train teachers who are new to the school and will begin in August.
Leticia Buenrostro presented on the federal programs and funding that have been used by Natalia ISD, including Title I, Title II, Title IV and Special Education.
The programs are used to “close the academic gaps and support students who are at risk,” said Buenrostro. This can be done through additional school materials or seeing to daily needs through meal programs.
ESSER II and III funds must be used by September. Both are a part of a subgrant that was given to support schools that were affected by COVID-19. They have been used to fund extra staff.
For the expansion and renovation of the baseball and softball complex, AGCM Inc. was chosen to manage the project.