Senior Zackariuh Bocanegra continues to catch the coaches’ eyes as someone who is always waiting at the finish line to give high fives to other runners who have yet to finish the workout or race. His desire to be the best teammate possible has earned him the distinction as Cross Country Runner of the Week.
According to Head Coach Khera Vay, Zack is someone who “never complains, is always encouraging, does whatever is requested of him, and demonstrates what a great teammate should be.” Although Zach picked his senior year as his first year to run, he has been one of the many pleasant surprises on this year’s teams.
Being a great teammate is not something he was coached to do. He comes by it naturally. “When I heard Coach Vay call out my name as Runner of the Week and why I received the honor, it felt good. I do not do the things that got me recognized as a chance to get recognition. It is just something that I do without thinking about it.”
Congratulations Zach on the recognition and best of luck this season!
By Jerel Beaty
Staff Writer
Bocanegra Cross Country Runner of the Week